Wednesday, 26 January 2011

The signs are gloomy

I'm not in a great mood, and that's always bad for motivation for exercise and eating well. I have to be on my guard today and until I pull myself out of this mood.

The fact that the causes of the feelings are long-lived (8 to 10 years old) and are always bubbling under, even when they are not spilling out all over the place like right now, makes it a real problem that I guess I'm just going to have to deal with. Not only my weight loss success but in a real sense my career success (even if measured simply by keeping my job) is also on the line. It was the realisation yesterday of how I am being affected at work, and what the impact is on my bosses and colleagues of how I am, that sent me spiralling downwards.

It's amazing how quickly it can happen. I wish I knew how to get back up again so quickly...or even better to attack the real root causes of my moods and find a solution to them equally fast.

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