This morning I am down 4.0kg vs start point, down 1.0kg for the week. That is now a new low weight for me for the last don't-know-how-many years.
I am feeling it too. My clothes are looser, my muscles toning (I wouldn't go so far as to call them toned just yet, but they are getting there...)
I promised myself little gift rewards for every 2kg I lose - a total of 10 gifts when I make it to target.
The first promise was a cycling jacket so that I can go out in not so great weather on the new bike. I haven't bought it yet, which demonstrates a certain amount about my level of confidence about keeping that first 2kgs off. I wanted to be certain those 2kg were gone for ever (ooh err...forever seems a long time when you say it like that). I guess now that the next 2kg are gone, I can go and buy myself the first reward. I probably also need to define which rewards I'm buying for each 2kg step. My original theme was to be triathlon related articles, so that I build up to get all kit required by the time I do my first triathlon, planned for May 1st. I do need (another) decent pump for my weekday location - so I think that will be the second one.
I shall put some thought into it and make that list.
In the meantime I shall decide right here and now that my third reward, towards which I am now working, is to be a saddle pouch (for spare inner tube etc that straps under the saddle).
Am working from home today...plan is to get out to the gym at lunchtime once I've got some stuff done...the first task is already under my belt and sent off. I also have Andy Murray on in the background, so I don't really want to go out until he's finished and hopefully won (Go on ANDY!!!)
I am also reminded of what a fickle friend that scale is. This week it may be a friend, but it can so easily turn on me. I know I shouldn't let it control my moods, but after this week, I need something to cheer me up, and to be honest, I'll take anything I can get from any source I can get it!
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