Friday, 21 January 2011

How to get motivated

I am having a real exercise motivation problem today. I should be in the gym right now but I'm here instead. Blogging instead of exercising surely can't be good for you....

There are a number of possible reasons for my motivation dip:
  • I have been training 3 days on the trot this week, something I haven't managed in a long time
  • It's Friday
  • My food diary was running a little low yesterday evening, so I got tempted into partaking of half a bottle of wine, as I could "afford" the calories
  • As a result of the 3 above, I left my kit in the car this morning instead of bringing it into the office. That seems to have grown in significance during the course of this morning.
  • My colleagues have all just disappeared to the "Golden Arches" for lunch. I am therefore feeling heroic for having said no, and have no need to be heroic any more today.
  • I have just docked my Philips DirectLife and hit 105% yesterday - that surely calls for celebration rather than more of the same.
  • I am due a weights session but still hurt from PT on Wednesday
  • I'd have to wash my kit over the weekend
  • I haven't picked a workout track of the day yet, so do not have an aching for Robbie Williams or The Feeling (in a good way, of course)
But, on the other hand:
  • 4 days on the trot would be better than 3
  • It's Friday
  • Since when could someone on a serious weight loss attempt "afford" the calories in half a bottle of wine? Who am I kidding?
  • The gym is right next door to my office. I have to walk past the gym entrance to get from my office to my car! That's more calories burned getting my kit.
  • No Big Mac is an opportunity cost kind of thing. I can be more heroic today.
  • I have just docked my Philips DirectLife and hit 86% for the week so far - that surely calls for more exercise.
  • I am due a weights session but still hurt from PT on Wednesday - so a good cardio session would loosen me up - and there's always the sauna afterwards to relieve my aches...
  • I'd have to wash my kit over the weekend - yeah but in the washing machine which let's face it does all the work. It's not like I have a washboard and scrubbing brush. (Oh and there's another argument - I don't have a washboard - stomach!)
  • I haven't picked a workout track of the day yet, but Kings of Leon (my track from the other month) is on the office radio and I can just pick one: "Alejandro" by Lady Gaga (100 bpm - fast cycling). There taht wasn't so difficult was it?
There we go. Excuses all countered. Motivation back up again. I'm off to the gym.

If only it were that easy every time motivation deserts me.

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