Thursday, 14 July 2011

Lose enough points, you lose the game

This game is not going so well. Moose-flu induced, I think. Plus it's "his" serve. Not mine...

15-30 down after 3 days and heading for 15-40 with the tiny number of calories I have left today.

Also got on the scales at they gym today and they are registering 0.7kg higher than the same time last week. How can that be? The fickle scale is the only answer I have, but it's depressing and making me dread Saturday morning weigh-in.

And while I know I haven't been great this week (you can tell from the scoreline), I also haven't been that bad...except on Saturday when I had a curry...and on Sunday when I had BBQ and McDonalds...and...

ah...what's that light bulb doing hovering above my head?

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