Saturday, 7 May 2011

Back to it

I have (almost) purposefully avoided the blog for the last month. Apologies to my new followers and welcome/thanks for following...
I am still on a very variable, sort of stable but not really going anywhere weight curve at the moment and I wanted to try out some new stuff and see if the blogging really makes the difference. I blogged quite a lot in March but not really much happened. Well April has been mixed with no blogging. A couple of really good weeks with a few kilos loss have been followed by consolidation, smallish weight gain and a general feeling of lack of achievement.
The diet has been bad, so many days of not sticking to avoiding carbs, and the weekends continuing to be a real challenge with carbs. Today has been no different.
Training has been a lot better though. Mixed, injury-free and quite intense. The cycling is getting to be more fun and I'm feeling like I'm improving...

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