Thursday, 21 October 2010

In the groove...

Another fantastic run last night. I-pod fuelled, as usual, I just let the tunes flow and ran to the beat. Forty minutes and 5 km later (OK slow, I know, but I walk every other track, and I'm a fat b*st*rd)...I stopped.

That was it. It is so good to be free of calf strains, I feel like I'm floating when I run. The girl on the treadmill behind me didn't seem to think so as my hefty bulk pounded down in front of her (I don't think my rear view was ever my best...although, checking the mirror, maybe....). I'm not sure it was the noise, the treadmill ever so slowly edging back towards her or just the splashes of sweat (mmm, lovely) that drove her away in the end. Maybe I was just so in the groove and on there so long that she finished her meagrely short jog and disappeared to do some other exercise instead. I couldn't really see because she was quite small, and the combination of the angle in the mirror and my bulk kind of obscured her completely - a shame as the few glimpses I did catch, she was quite cute...

A colleague today suggested that speed dating in the gym should be made compulsory...I seem to remember Jack Sh*t blogging about gym chat up lines so I'd better get surfin' and revisin'. I think the cute beauty behind me last night will be the first target...if she ever darkens the door of the gym again after what must have been a frightening experience for her last night.

I do need some new tunes though. I am very tempted to try and load the old I-tunes onto my spare work laptop that I need to keep because it allows me access to all kinds of websites (like Blogger) that my new official, so tightly controlled you can often hear it squeak in a very high pitched mechanical whine, won't. I don't know for certain but I'm pretty sure i-tunes is one of them, but my old Belgian laptop lets me do just about anything. Not that I've tried bathing with it. Or kite-surfing. Or accessing anything REALLY naughty. My playlists are good but just a little stale and predictable and built for an old training programme I did years ago, not for the running I'm focussing on at the moment. I'm making do, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist in these things so it's never quite right. Maybe a good thing to play with this weekend with the house likely deserted of Mooselets...

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