Friday, 17 September 2010

Major blow-out

What a disaster! I had an appointment for dinner with a colleague the other night, that was cancelled at short notice. Being my last night in the hotel for the week, and leaving the office too late for the supermarket (yes, one of the little idiosyncracies of Belgium is that supermarkets 8pm), I decided to go the easy and fast route (mistake #1). The golden arches beckoned. "I'll be good though" I convinced myself. 2 burgers, no fries, no soda (mistake #2). That's what I ordered. I took my bag back to my hotel room to eat (while watching Real Madrid play Ajax in the Champions League and mistake #3), and on opening the bag, discovered that an order for 2 had turned into a delivery of 3. Can you imagine? Well, mistake #4 was I didn't immediately put the 3rd one straight in the bin. I put it to the side, reminded myself to eat slowly and stop when I wasn't hungry any more, regardless of whether that was in the middle of the 1st, the 2nd, at the end (or...mistake #5, even if that was after the 3rd one).
So I ate slowly and deliberately, but then TV eating zapped my brain and stopped the "full" signals from registering. Before I knew it, I had 3 neatly stacked boxes on the table in front of me...all completely empty.
I have just looked up the nutritional information on their website...that made my heart almost pump out of my chest. How many grams of fat? Oh sh*t!
It was a brain f*art. I must remember that. I have not lost all hope, not all the good work is spoiled. It's just a brain f*rt and nothing else. It doesn't need repeating...

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